Some Landlords take a risk and file their own Evictions. This can cause problems as a result of not understanding the Process. As a result, their case may get dismissed. While it is more beneficial to retain counsel in the beginning, Landlords can hire an Eviction Lawyer after the case is filed. Therefore, if you need the assistance of a Landlord Attorney in any stage of Eviction, contact the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA at (954) 990-7552.
A Landlord can Hire an Eviction Lawyer after the case is filed
Landlords that file their own Evictions subject themselves to liability. In other words, if the case is not properly filed or contains inaccurate information, the Eviction may get dismissed. This can result in the Landlord paying the Tenant’s Attorney’s Fees and losing rental payments. Therefore, the best decision is to hire a Landlord Lawyer at the time you serve the first notice. However, it does not mean that you are not allowed to hire an Eviction Lawyer after the case is filed. In fact, if the Landlord is ordered by the Court to hire a Lawyer because they are a corporation, they will be given time to find representation. Unfortunately, this will cause further delays in the Eviction allowing the Tenant to continue to reside in the property without paying rent.
Fortunately for Landlords, they can hire an Eviction Lawyer until the end of the case. Some find that scheduling a Final Hearing or filing a Motion can be time consuming and they do not have time during the day to go to Court. At this point, Landlords should seek counsel to avoid further delays.
Why it is better to hire a Landlord Lawyer in the Beginning of the Process?
Serving the Tenant with a Notice is the first step of an Eviction. This may include a three day notice, seven day notice, or a thirty day notice. However, preparing them does require knowledge of the Eviction Process. If a Court determines that the notice is inaccurate, the case may get dismissed requiring the Landlord to refile. This could have been avoided by hiring an Eviction Lawyer from the beginning.
Landlords should understand that Evictions are a legal process. Therefore, they should be handled by Eviction Lawyers. If a Tenant hires a Lawyer to defend them, they will be able to present defenses to the Court that may defeat the Eviction against an unrepresented Landlord. With representation, a Landlord’s chances of a successful eviction will be achieved. Do not make the mistake of handling your own Eviction. Even if you began the process by yourself, you can still hire an Eviction Lawyer after the case is filed. If you have questions about Florida Evictions or need representation in removing a Tenant, contact the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA at (954) 990-7552.