Some Landlords believe that when sending a Notice to a Tenant, it can be for one purpose. This is not true. The law does not prevent them from sending two notices on the same document to a Tenant. This includes non-payment of rent, non-monetary violations, and termination of the lease. Therefore, if you need to remove a Tenant for more than one reason, contact the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA at (954) 990-7552.
How Can South Florida Landlords Include Two Notices on the Same Document?
Most Evictions in Florida are for non-payment of rent. Once a Tenant fails to pay, they will be given a 3 day Notice. However, a South Florida Landlord can also give them a 15 day notice in the same document. If a Tenant has failed to pay rent and their lease is month-to-month, a Landlord can give them a 3 day 15 day Notice. In other words, even if they pay during the 3 days, their lease is still terminated. Many Tenants disregard the 15 day notice because they believe that once they pay, they can continue their lease.
Can Notice be given for Non-Payment and causing disturbances at the same time?
Absolutely. A South Florida Landlord can give a 3 day and 7 Day Notice on the same Notice. As a Tenant has a responsibility to pay, they are also required to comply with the non-monetary terms of the lease. For Example, they may be late on their rent and have an unauthorized guest living with them. As a result, the Landlord can give them notice to pay in 3 days and remove the guest in 7 days. In other words, even if they pay, they can still be evicted if the guest is not removed. The 7 Day Notice does not only pertain to having unauthorized guests. It can also refer to not maintaining the property, disturbing any Tenants, and preventing the Landlord from inspecting the property. While a 3 day and 7 day is less used, it can be effective.
Not all Landlords Include Two Notices in the Same Document. However, it can be beneficial to them. If you are a Landlord and need to remove a Tenant for more than one reason, contact the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA at (954) 990-7552.