Margate, Florida Foreclosure Defense Attorneys

Foreclosure Defense Attorneys in Margate, FloridaThe Foreclosure Defense Attorneys at the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA understand how important home ownership is to all Americans. Unfortunate circumstances may lead a Homeowner to fall behind on their payments, causing their lender to file a Foreclosure.

With the financial constraints as a result of the coronavirus, Homeowners are feeling the stress more than ever. Some are sick, out of work, or have been forced to close their businesses, while others have stayed at home to watch their kids. However, banks and other lenders still expect them to make the monthly mortgage payments. We are dedicated to representing our clients against the banks and their lawyers.

Your Foreclosure Defense attorneys in Margate have defended Foreclosure cases on behalf of Homeowners for years now. We have not only learned and mastered the ropes, but we also know how to deal with unlawful Foreclosures against you. If you have been served, talk to us so we can help you  fightback and get you justice.

Loan Modification Attorneys in Margate, Fl.

Brian Kowal takes pride in his work – helping Homeowners fight and keep their homes. Some massive changes – such as the coronavirus – may have caused some to fall behind to financial problems. Our Foreclosure Defense Lawyers are available to help you obtain an affordable mortgage that matches your relevant economic status.

Since the modification process can be hectic, we will work with the bank, rather than have you go there by yourself. We handle the entire loan modification process, including correspondences that ensure that the bank has the necessary documentation about the consideration and processing of the loan modification application. If you’re looking for a loan modification, you’ve come to the right place; our lawyers who have experience dealing with foreclosures in Margate, Florida, are at your service.

Short Sale Attorneys in Margate

Margate, Florida Mortgage Foreclosure Defense LawyersAt Brian Kowal Law, we understand the complications that may arise during a foreclosure, putting the homeowner in an even harder spot. For instance, if a bank completes a foreclosure on a home, they can go a step further and obtain a deficiency judgment against the homeowner. This would imply that in addition to experiencing financial hardships, thus, losing their home due to foreclosure, they will also be required to keep making payments to the financial institution. It is most prudent to organize a short sale if a loan modification isn’t practicable. This will take the debt off their hands entirely while taking a lighter hit as compared to a foreclosure. Our foreclosure defense attorneys in Margate City are experts in the short sale process and will guide you all through.

Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Faced with Foreclosure

  1. Doing nothing is the worst thing a Homeowner can do once they are served. By inaction, they allow the bank to obtain a judgment against them. Furthermore, they give up the opportunity to explore options that would leave them in a better position, such as the declaration of bankruptcy, short sales, or getting an extended period to vacate if they have to.
  2. Hiring incompetent foreclosure defense counsel is equivalent to going deeper into debt while receiving no services. An excellent and licensed lawyer will help you fight the bank, possibly get you a loan modification, or guide you through a short sale. It is even possible for a short sale to take over a year to complete, especially if the attorneys involved aren’t up to the task. At Brian Kowal Law, we provide the most reliable foreclosure defense services in Margate, Florida.

Talk to Skilled Foreclosure Defense Lawyers in Margate, Florida Today!

The Foreclosure Process can be stressful for any Homeowner. The financial constraints aside, the fear of losing your home is inconceivable. Most people consider homeownership to be one of their achievements in life. Let us help you retain your home or at least mitigate the negative effects of Foreclosure.

References and Resources

  • Florida Loan Modification Process