There are two types of Leases: Annual and Month-to-Month. While both are beneficial for a Landlord, our office recommends an Annual Lease. Therefore, if you are a Landlord and have questions about the type of lease that best protects you, contact the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA.
Month-to-Month Lease
- A Landlord can Terminate the Lease by giving 15 days’ Notice. However, it must be given 15 days prior to the beginning of the next rental period.
- Allows a Landlord to remove a problem Tenant. In other words, if they have a Tenant that constantly violates non-monetary terms of the lease, they can remove them without a reason. In other words, they can provide them notice that the lease is terminated without discussing the violations.
- Increase the Rent in a shorter time period. Unlike an Annual Lease, you can raise it by giving less than a month’s notice.
- Less time to find a new Tenant. This can result in a loss of rental income.
- A Tenant can break the Lease by giving 15 days’ notice. Unlike an Annual Lease, there is no Liquidated Damages Clause.
- More wear and Tear since Tenants move in and out of the property.
Annual Lease
- The landlord has more stability. They know that the Tenant cannot terminate the lease at the end of the month.
- The landlord does not need to spend money to re-rent the property after a month.
- Usually contains a Penalty known as Liquidated Damages. Therefore, if the Tenant wants to terminate the lease early, they have to pay 2 months’ rent.
- If they do not get along with the Tenant, they will not be able to remove them until the lease terminates.
- The Landlord cannot raise the rent.
- If a Tenant vacates and the Landlord is only allowed to rent it once per year, it will remain vacant until the Lease Terminates.
Annual and Month-to-Month Leases provide advantages and disadvantages. However, the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA recommends a yearly lease because it provides more stability for a Landlord. If you are a Landlord and have questions about month-to-month and annual leases, contact our office at (954) 990–7552.