If you are in Foreclosure, you may receive a notice of a Broward Foreclosure Non-Jury Trial. While it is understandable to panic, you need to take a deep breath and realize that this is not the end. However, you do need to take action to avoid losing your property. Therefore, if you received a Notice of a Broward Foreclosure Non-Jury Trial, contact the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal at (954) 990-7552.
What do I need to know about a Non-Jury Trial?
A Foreclosure Case has several phases. These include:
- The Serving of the Foreclosure. Before a Homeowner responds, they have to be served. As a result, they have 20 days.
- Responding. While a Homeowner may have an understanding of the Process, a Foreclosure Attorney will provide the best results.
- Discovery. This allows the Bank or Homeowner to obtain information from the other side.
- Non-Jury Trial.
- Foreclosure Sale. The Property will be
Once a Homeowner receives a Notice of a Non-Jury Trial, the case is in the final stages. At the Trial, the Bank and Homeowner will present their arguments to the Judge. The Witness for the Bank will testify that the Note and Mortgage are authentic and that the payment history is accurate. If they rule for the Bank, a Judgment will be entered. While it is difficult to win, it is not impossible. Accordingly, they should speak to a Foreclosure Defense Lawyer to find out if their case can be challenged.
Can I still apply if my case is set for a Non-Jury Trial?
Since it is scheduled 60 days from the date that the Notice is sent, they have plenty of time to be approved. If they qualify, the Trial will be cancelled. Our office stresses to not wait to apply for a Loan Modification or to Sell their property. In addition, if you have received a Notice of a Broward Foreclosure Non-Jury Trial, you need to take action. Therefore, if you are in Foreclosure, contact our office at (954) 990-7552.