Since 2008, Margate experienced a high number of Foreclosures. While it has recovered, there are still Homeowners that fail to pay their mortgage. In addition, due to the current condition of the Economy, many are falling behind on their mortgage. Therefore, if you are in Foreclosure, contact your Margate Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers.
How Margate Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers Can Benefit You?
When you are served, it is important to speak with a Foreclosure Defense Lawyer. Brian P. Kowal, Esq. has represented Homeowners since 2008. He provides the following services:
Foreclosure Defense. Our office defends Homeowners. This includes responding to the Complaint as well as serving discovery on the Bank. While we represent Homeowners, we attempt to negotiate with the Bank. As a result, many of our clients have been able to keep their property.
Loan Modification. When a Homeowner can no longer afford to pay their mortgage, they need to contact their Lender. However, most have little success communicating with them. On the other hand, our office has been able to work with Lenders obtaining modifications for our clients. As a result, they have been able to keep their property. Above all, our goal is to obtain a Loan Modification for our clients they can afford.
Short Sale. Unfortunately for some Homeowners, the Bank will not approve a Loan Modification. As a result, they have to seek other options. One of these options is a Short Sale. A Short Sale is when a Homeowner sells their Home for less than they owe. As a result, all offers have to be approved by the Bank. If it is approved, the Homeowner is released. In addition, if they are in Foreclosure, the Bank will dismiss it
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. This option tends to be the least used. A Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure occurs when a Homeowner attempts to transfer their ownership to the Bank. If it is approved, the Homeowner is released.
If you are currently in Foreclosure, contact your Margate, Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers at (954) 990-7552.