How Pembroke Pines Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers Helps Homeowners
The Foreclosure Process can be stressful. Not having representation enables the Lenders to move the case through the courts. Therefore, if you are in Foreclosure or have fallen behind on your mortgage, contact your Pembroke Pines Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers at (954) 990-7552.
Foreclosure Defense
Once a Homeowner is served, they have 20 days to respond. When you retain our firm, we will file a Motion to Dismiss or an Answer. In addition, we will serve discovery on the Bank to strengthen your case. While our goal is to help you keep your property, we fight to make sure that the Bank can provide ownership of the note and has complied with the law. We communicate regularly with our clients informing them of the status of the case.
Short Sale
This occurs when a Homeowner sells their property for less than they owe. If the Bank agrees to the offer, they will waive any deficiency against them. As a result, they will not come after them for the amount that is owed. Our office has been very successful in helping Homeowners with the Short Sale Process. It is important that if they choose to sell, they begin the process in the earlier of stages of Foreclosure.
Loan Modification
This is the best option for a Homeowner that wants to keep their home. If they are approved for a modification, the Bank will agree to change the terms of the loan. This can include payment, term, interest, and a reduction of the principle. A Homeowner should not wait until the later stages to begin applying. If they are able to make all three trial payments and receive a permanent modification, the Foreclosure will be dismissed.
Deed in Lieu
This occurs when a Homeowner transfers the title of their home to the Bank. Some Banks will require that the Home is listed for sale before allowing the process to begin . If the Bank accepts the deed, they will usually waive any deficiency against the Homeowner. Like a Short Sale and Modification, this process can be timely. Therefore, a Homeowner should not wait until the later stages of the Foreclosure to apply.
The above options are beneficial to Homeowners. If you have been served by your Bank or are unable to make your payments, contact your Pembroke Pines Florida Foreclosure Defense Lawyers at (954) 990-7552.