When served with an Eviction for Non-Payment, a Tenant must deposit the rent into the Court Registry. Failure to do so can allows a Landlord to obtain a Final Judgment of Eviction much quicker. Accordingly, this can be devastating for a Tenant. If you have questions about your obligation to deposit rent into the Registry, contact the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA.
When does a Tenant need to Deposit Rent into the Court Registry?
After a Tenant is served with a 3 Day Notice, the must either pay rent or vacate. If they do not pay but remain in the property, a Landlord will file an Eviction. A Tenant has 5 days to respond. If they do not agree with the amount in the Complaint, they can file a Motion to Determine Rent. However, they need to deposit the amount they believe is owed into the Court Registry. Tenants need to be very careful regarding their obligation to pay rent into the Court Registry. Failure to do so can result in a Final Judgment of Eviction.
Rent does not always have to be deposited into the Court Registry. For example, if they have paid the amount owed to the Landlord before the Eviction was filed. However, they still need to file a Motion to Determine Rent or an Answer with proof of payment. If the evidence shows that the Tenant is current, they will set the Motion for Hearing.
When served with an Eviction for non-payment of rent, a Tenant must deposit rent into the Court Registry. If you are unsure about your obligation to pay rent into the Court Registry, contact the Law Office of Brian P. Kowal, PA at (954) 990-7552.