The thought of being served with a Foreclosure is stressful. You begin to think about the worst possible scenario and that your options are limited. This is not true. If served, you should obtain representation from a Foreclosure Defense Attorney in Broward County, Fl. As a result of hiring our firm, we will provide you options that will help you feel better about the process.
Here are just a few reasons to hire a Foreclosure Defense Attorney in Broward County, FL.
- If you are trying to modify your mortgage but the Banks are not responding.
- Raising defenses to the Foreclosure.
- Protection against Deficiency Judgments
- If you need additional time to modify your mortgage.
- If you uncomfortable with selling your property through a Short Sale.
A Foreclosure Defense Attorney in Broward County, Fl, will understand that time is essential when dealing with the Banks. The quicker you act, the less likely they will take your home.
If you were having trouble with your mortgage before covid19 contact a Foreclosure Defense Attorney to Discuss your Options
If your mortgage is in trouble, your servicer cannot start a foreclosure, hold a sale, or evict anyone from March 18 – August 1, 2020. The “Federal CARES Act was signed on May 17, 2020″, for the following types of federally-backed mortgages:
- HUD Reverse Mortgage
- VA
- Fannie Mae
- Freddie Mac

Law Offices of Brian P. Kowal, PA
If you are facing foreclosure or have been served with a Complaint, call the Law Offices of Brian P. Kowal, PA. Brian has made it a point to provide his clients in foreclosure the best representation that they deserve. He can be reached at (954) 990-7552 or on his cell at (585) 261-8443 seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. You can also email him at bpkowal@gmail.com.
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